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Cellulitis Treatment

Many people do not know Cellulitis meaning. Cellulitis is a bacterial skin infection, often caused by an injury that breaks the skin's surface. It can affect anybody, but it's particularly common in children and older adults and certain groups such as those with diabetes or IV drug users. Infection occurs when bacteria enter the skin through a cut, scrape, or burn, causing the area to swell and feel warm and tender to the touch. The redness of cellulitis may spread beyond the injured area.

A Cellulitis Treatment in Hyderabad is at KBK Hospitals. Our board-certified doctors are known for their excellence in diagnosing and treating skin diseases, with a specialization in cellulitis treatment. Not only do we have a team of renowned doctors who treat all forms of skin ailments, including cellulitis, but we have a patient-centric approach to care. Our staff is trained to take care of all your needs in a friendly manner, which includes helping you find the right treatment for you. We offer:

  • Cellulitis medications
  • Physical therapies-Pain management
  • Comprehensive consultations

KBK Hospitals is a reputed and the best hospital for cellulitis treatment in Hyderabad. You can get the best treatment for cellulitis there. The hospital has all the facilities for treating patients concerning their social status and educational background.

The staff at KBK Hospitals has extensive experience treating patients with cellulitis and other common skin problems. The hospital offers a wide range of surgical procedures for treating cellulitis, including the latest minimally invasive techniques.

Cellulitis Hospital in Hyderabad

The KBK Hospital is a hospital specializing in cellulitis. KBK Hospital is equipped with modern medical equipment and facilities to provide the best possible healthcare for its patients.

The hospital has more than 30 beds, an intensive care unit (ICU), an emergency room and a fully equipped operating theatre.

At KBK Hospital, we take great care in preventing and treating cellulitis as soon as it is discovered in our patients. People even call it by the name of Cellulitis Hospital. Our Infection Control Department is aware of the dangers that infectious diseases like cellulitis

pose to patients and takes action quickly to prevent them from spreading. We will give the best Cellulitis treatment in Hyderabad.

The hospital has an excellent reputation for treating skin diseases, such as cellulitis. To provide treatment for cellulitis, we have specialists trained in treating this condition. We also have access to a wide variety of antibiotics and other medications that can help reduce pain and swelling while helping your body fight off the infection.

K.B.K. Hospitals is a multi-speciality hospital in Hyderabad, India, offering comprehensive medical care and surgical procedures for cellulitis treatment. The hospital staff is well-trained and experienced with years of experience.

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The hospital has a team of dedicated doctors, nursing staff and other healthcare professionals who work together to provide the best treatment possible to patients. They specialise in treating cellulitis, an infection caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi that affect the skin and underlying tissues.

Cellulitis Treatment

Cellulitis is a bacterial infection that can spread deep into the skin and underlying tissue. It most often occurs on the legs, but it can occur anywhere.

Cellulitis most often affects people with diabetes or peripheral artery disease (PAD). People who have existing wounds are also at risk for cellulitis. The reason is that when you break down the skin barrier, bacteria can easily get into your body and cause an infection.

If left untreated, cellulitis can lead to serious complications such as sepsis (infection of the bloodstream), gangrene (tissue death due to lack of blood supply) or amputation.

The most common form of cellulitis is caused by a break in the integrity of the skin. Infections can also spread through blood vessels (hematogenous spread) or lymphatic vessels (lymphangitis). Cellulitis typically affects the limbs but may be seen anywhere on the body. The infection can spread rapidly if not treated promptly.

Treatment for cellulitis depends on its severity and location. In most cases, treatment includes antibiotics and elevated leg positioning to improve blood flow in the veins around your ankle area.

Cellulitis Symptoms

Cellulitis causes can be caused by an insect bite or scratch, an animal bite, a burn or exposure to dirty water. If you have cellulitis, your doctor will want to know if you have an underlying condition that makes you more likely to get cellulitis. These include:

  • Diabetes
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Poor circulation or nerve damage in your feet, ankles or legs (peripheral neuropathy)

Cellulitis is a bacterial infection that causes inflammation and pain in the skin. It can occur anywhere on your body but is most common on the legs, arms and face. It is recommended to take Cellulitis antibiotics. The cause of cellulitis is usually Staphylococcus aureus (staph). This bacterium is found in many people's noses and on their skin. When staph enters through a cut or wound in the skin, it can cause an infection called cellulitis. Other bacteria can also cause this type of infection.

Cellulitis Symptoms include:

  • Redness of the skin in one area that spreads quickly
  • Painful swelling that may feel hot to the touch
  • Fever greater than 100°F (38°C)
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Chills and fatigue

Cellulitis is treated with topical antibiotics (applied directly to the skin) or oral (by mouth). You may need a combination of both types. Your doctor will prescribe them based on your symptoms and test results.

If you have mild cellulitis, it may clear up without treatment in two to four weeks. If you have severe cellulitis, you'll likely need IV antibiotics for several weeks or longer, depending on your symptoms.

What causes Cellulitis?

Staphylococcus aureus bacteria most often cause cellulitis, usually found on the skin or in the nose. The infection can spread quickly from one part of the body to another.

Cellulitis typically occurs when bacteria enter a break in your skin, such as a cut, scrape, insect bite or burn. The bacteria may enter through cuts or abrasions on the skin caused by diabetes, intravenous drug use, poor circulation and other conditions that weaken the immune system. People who have diabetes are at higher risk for cellulitis because of poor blood circulation in their feet and legs.

What are the signs that cellulitis is healing?

The signs that cellulitis is healing are as follows:

  • Your skin will be less red, warm and swollen. You'll start to feel less pain and discomfort.
  • You'll have fewer breakouts of the rash or blisters.
  • The area of your skin where you had cellulitis may itch or feel uncomfortable. This is because your body is starting to get rid of dead tissue from the infection.
  • Your lymph nodes may be tender or enlarged — they usually go down after a few days of antibiotic treatment.
  • You may have drainage from the affected area (for example, pus coming out of a boil). This can last for weeks after treatment ends, but it means that the infection is clearing up.
With our non-surgical cellulitis treatment, you can except:
  • A safe and minimally invasive approach to care.
  • Reduced risk of complications and side effects associated
  • Improved healing and elimination of the infection
  • Comprehensive, patient-centered care that addresses your physical and emotional needs

Cellulitis Patients Testimonial

Cellulitis Patients Testimonial
Cellulitis Patients Testimonial
diabetic foot ulcer Without Surgery
There are different types of cellulitis, depending on where the infection occurs

Some types include:

  • periorbital cellulitis, which develops around the eyes
  • facial cellulitis, which develops around the eyes, nose, and cheeks
  • breast cellulitis
  • perianal cellulitis, which develops around the anal orifice

Cellulitis can occur anywhere on the body, including the hands and feet. Adults tend to develop cellulitis in the lower leg, while children tend to develop it on the face or neck.


Cellulitis usually begins as a swollen, pink or red patch of skin that may increase in size and severity as the infection spreads.

The following symptoms may occur in the affected area:

  • discoloration and swelling
  • warmth
  • tenderness and pain

Some people develop blisters, skin dimpling, or spots.

A person may also experience other symptoms of an infection, such as:
  • fatigue
  • chills and cold sweats
  • shivering
  • fever
  • nausea

In addition, the lymph glands may swell and become tender. Cellulitis in the leg, for example, may affect the lymph glands in the groin.



Early treatment with antibiotics is usually successful. Most people receive treatment at home, but some need to receive it in a hospital.

A doctor may suggest one or more of the following treatments:


A mild case of cellulitis usually responds to oral antibiotic treatment in 7–14 days. The symptoms may initially worsen, but they usually start easing within 2 days.

Different types of antibiotics can treat cellulitis. The doctor will decide on the best option after taking into account the type of bacteria causing the infection and factors specific to each person.

Most people recover within 2 weeks, but it may take longer if the symptoms are severe.

A doctor may prescribe a low-dose oral antibiotic for a person to take long term to help prevent a recurrence.

Treatment in the hospital

Some people with severe cellulitis require hospital treatment, especially if:

  • They have a high fever
  • They are vomiting
  • They are experiencing a recurrence of cellulitis
  • The current treatment is not working
  • Their symptoms are becoming more severe

In the hospital, most people with this type of infection receive antibiotic treatment through an IV, with a drip that delivers the medication through a vein in the arm.



⇨ These bacteria are common on the surface of the skin, where they are not harmful. However, if they enter the skin, usually through a cut or scratch, they can cause an infection.

⇨ Cellulitis is not usually contagious but can be spread through contact if a person with an open wound touches skin that has an active infection.

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Risk factors

Factors that can increase the risk of cellulitis include:

Age: Cellulitis is more likely to occurTrusted Source during or after middle age.

Obesity: Cellulitis is more common among people who have excess weight or obesity.

Leg issues: Swelling (edema) and ulceration can increase the risk of developing the infection.

Past cellulitis: Research suggests that anyone who has had cellulitis before has an 8–20%Trusted Source chance of it returning, and the infection can reoccur several times within a year.

Exposure to environmental factors: These include polluted water and some animals, including fish and reptiles.

Other skin issues: Chickenpox, eczema, athlete’s foot, abscesses, and other skin conditions can increaseTrusted Source the risk of bacteria entering the body.

Lymphedema: This can lead to swollen skin that can crack and allow bacteria to enter.

Other conditions: People with liver or kidney disease have a higher risk of developing cellulitis.

Diabetes: If a person is not able to manage their diabetes effectively, problems with their immune system, circulation, or both can lead to skin ulcers.

Weakened immune system: People may have this if they are older, if they have HIV or AIDS, or if they are undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Circulatory problems: People with poor blood circulation have a higher risk of infection spreading to deeper layers of the skin.

Recent surgery or injury: This increases the risk of infection.

IV drugs: Injecting drugs, especially with needles that they have used before, can lead to abscesses and infections under the skin, increasing the risk of cellulitis.

We have a proven track record of success in treating cellulitis without antibiotics. Our patients have reported improved quality of life, increased mobility, and decreased pain after undergoing our non-surgical treatment.

Don't let cellulitis control your life any longer. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our non-surgical cellulitis treatment options. We look forward to helping you on your journey to healing and recovery.

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  • Dealing with cellulitis requires cellulitis treatment. Some useful tips are discussed here.
  • Seek Medical Attention: Cellulitis is a bacterial skin infection that requires antibiotics. Consult with the best doctor for cellulitis in Hyderabad promptly.
  • Follow Antibiotic Regimen: Take prescribed antibiotics as directed and complete the full course, even if symptoms improve before finishing the medication.
  • Elevate the Affected Area: Elevate the infected limb to reduce swelling.
  • Rest and Pain Relief: Rest the affected area, and take over-the-counter pain relievers as recommended for pain and fever.
  • Keep It Clean: Keep the area clean, dry, and covered with a clean bandage.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids to aid recovery.
  • Monitor for Complications: Watch for worsening symptoms and report any changes to your healthcare provider.
  • Visit KBK Multispeciality Hospital for cellulities treatment without surgery.
  • Cellulitis typically progresses through several healing stages:
  • Initial Treatment: After starting antibiotics, there is often an initial improvement in symptoms within a few days, including reduced pain and redness.
  • Reduction of Swelling: Over the next week or so, swelling and redness should continue to decrease.
  • Skin Peeling: In some cases, the affected skin may start to peel as it heals.
  • Complete Resolution: Healing time varies, but most cases of cellulitis should be fully resolved within 7-14 days with appropriate antibiotic therapy.
  • Follow-Up: It's important to complete the entire antibiotic course and follow up with your healthcare provider to ensure the infection is completely gone.
  • Remember that healing stages can vary depending on the severity of the infection and individual factors, so it's crucial to follow medical advice throughout the process.
  • Cellulitis is a common and painful skin condition characterized by a bacterial infection of the deeper layers of the skin and the underlying tissues. It typically appears as redness, swelling, tenderness, and warmth at the affected site, often accompanied by fever and chills. It is caused by most commonly Streptococcus or Staphylococcus species, entering the skin through cuts, wounds, insect bites, or areas with compromised skin barriers. Prompt cellulities treatment with antibiotics is essential to prevent the infection from spreading and causing serious complications. Get Cellulitis Treatment in Hyderabad at KBK Multispeciality Hospital.

    Cellulitis is a bacterial skin infection that can spread rapidly. The speed at which it spreads can vary depending on factors like the individual's overall health, the causative bacteria (often Streptococcus or Staphylococcus), and promptness of cellulitistreatment. In some cases, cellulitis can advance within hours, with redness, warmth, swelling, and pain extending beyond the initial site of infection. If left untreated, the infection can spread to nearby tissues and even enter the bloodstream, leading to severe complications. Therefore, it's crucial to seek medical attention promptly if you suspect cellulitis to prevent further progression and ensure effective cellulitis treatment in Hyderabad.

    I don't have a physical body or health, so I cannot personally experience cellulitis or any medical conditions. Cellulitis severity can vary widely from person to person. It typically presents with symptoms like redness, swelling, warmth, and pain at the site of infection. The severity depends on factors such as the extent of the affected area, the underlying health of the individual, and how quickly treatment is sought. In mild cases, cellulitis can be managed with oral antibiotics, while severe cases may require hospitalization for intravenous antibiotics and closer monitoring to prevent complications. Consult a healthcare professional for a proper assessment and treatment plan.

  • Rapid Spread: If redness, swelling, and pain worsen quickly or spread beyond the initial area of infection, it can be a sign of severity.
  • High Fever: A high fever, especially above 101°F (38.3°C), indicates a potential systemic infection and should be taken seriously.
  • Systemic Symptoms: Feeling generally unwell, experiencing chills, nausea, or vomiting may indicate a more severe infection.
  • Deep Tissue Involvement: If the infection penetrates deeper tissue layers or affects joints, muscles, or lymph nodes, it can be more serious.
  • Lack of Improvement: If there's no improvement with antibiotics after a few days, it could suggest antibiotic resistance or complications.
  • Any of these signs should prompt immediate medical attention. Untreated severe cellulitis can lead to dangerous complications such as abscess formation, tissue damage, or bloodstream infections. At KBK MUltispeciality Hospital you can get treatment of cellulitis without surgery.
  • Cellulitis is a bacterial skin infection that occurs when bacteria, often Streptococcus or Staphylococcus, enter through a cut, wound, or compromised skin barrier. It leads to redness, warmth, swelling, and pain at the infection site, and it can spread if left untreated.
    Cellulitis treatment typically involves cellulitis antibiotics to eliminate the infection. For mild cases, oral antibiotics like cephalexin or dicloxacillin may suffice. Severe cases or those with systemic symptoms may require hospitalization for intravenous antibiotics, wound care, and close monitoring. It's crucial to start treatment early to prevent complications like abscess formation or bloodstream infections. In addition, keeping the affected area elevated, warm compresses, and proper wound care can aid in recovery.

    Cellulitis itself is not typically fatal when promptly and appropriately treated. However, if left untreated or if the infection spreads to deeper tissues or enters the bloodstream, it can lead to severe complications that may be life-threatening. These complications can include abscess formation, tissue necrosis, sepsis (a systemic infection), and organ damage. Individuals with weakened immune systems, diabetes, or other underlying health conditions may be at a higher risk for cellulitis complications. Therefore, it's crucial to seek immediate medical attention and follow prescribed cellulitis treatment to prevent the progression of cellulitis to a potentially life-threatening condition.

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